Primary schools

Children learn so much in the classroom, but what they learn outside it can be just as important.

At Hindleap Warren we offer gold-standard outdoor learning and adventurous activities that boost children’s personal development, in our scenic 300 acre private woodland. We help them to develop their confidence and resilience, and their ability to build relationships skills. We work with primary schools, typically years 2 – 6, and are inclusive for all children.

We help each child be the best they can be.

Primary school residentials

Staying away from home, sharing a room, making a bed … memories of your first residential last forever.

We offer everything from short residentials (three days, two nights) up to longer stays (five days, four nights). Residentials usually start mid-morning the day you arrive and the fun continues right through to early afternoon on the day you leave. No matter how long you stay, our staff are on hand 24/7 during your visit.

Other than your first lunch with us which is a packed lunch, all your meals, accommodation, bedding, and activities are provided. We have indoor classrooms for evening activities, a tuck shop and provide hot chocolate and home-made cookies each evening.

We build the programme for each day with you. Find out more about what’s on offer here.


Nothing is too much. We are always made to feel welcome and like we belong there. Our children feel encouraged and as such make personal developments they wouldn’t get the chance to make in regular school setting

School visit 2022